Kirkner Family Law Group, P.A. is highly experienced in helping families through divorce and child custody arrangements.
Divorces can be messy, and expensive. Without an experienced divorce attorney, your divorce could end up be even more expensive. Go with a law firm that has been recognized as experts by the Florida Bar Association and rest assured that you are working with a law firm that truly has your best interest in mind. Going with a less experienced, less credentialed firm could mean that your divorce will be drawn out and extremely costly. We do everything in our power to minimize the length of the legal divorce process while performing due diligence and ensuring you are afforded what you seek in your divorce settlement.
Filing for Divorce in Tampa, FL
In order to file for divorce in Florida, you must be a state resident for at least six months prior to filing. Since Florida is a no-fault state, you need only to allege that the marriage is irretrievably broken. To begin the process, either party must file a petition for dissolution of marriage in circuit court. The other spouse will be served with papers and given 20 days to respond. In an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse agree that divorce is appropriate and you agree on all major issues in your case, including parenting, property distribution, and family support. If this is your situation, your divorce could be finalized without the necessity of a trial. In a contested divorce, you and your spouse may not be able to reach agreement on all of the major issues and the court may ultimately have to resolve your differences at a hearing. If you or your spouse contests the divorce, mediation can help you resolve your differences in a non-adversarial and cost-effective manner. Through a thorough discovery process, all issues, including property division, support, and custody can be identified and addressed effectively.